I'm really happy to inform you about the upcoming free Turkish language workshops! The workshops will include all the topics in the Turkish language. It is the perfect way to learn Turkish online, boost your Turkish knowledge and learn Turkish for free.
July's workshop schedule is here.

In this series, I'll talk about every important topic in the Turkish language from A1 to A2 level. When we are done with these levels, the lessons will be uploaded to the official Youtube account of the Turkish Academy.
How to register for the workshop?
1) Go to https://www.turkish.academy/workshops and click on the button that says "Book Now".

2) Select the day of the workshop that you would like to attend. Then select the available time and click next.

3) Write down your name and email in the form that is provided. Phone number and message are optional. Then click "Book Now".

4) You are booked now. Check your email to find the zoom link. Click on "Join Meeting" to be able to join the online Turkish workshop.

Please inform me at info@turkish.academy if you didn't receive the zoom link.