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LCTL Cultures: Turkish Program (Beginner)

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LCTL Cultures: Turkish Progam is an Open Educational Resource published by Michigan State University for the learners of the Turkish language. It is an interactive, theme-based supplemental textbook. The focus is on exploring cultural topics that are often only briefly, if ever, covered in traditional textbooks. Each topic also tries to highlight the diversity of the target culture(s). Each thematic unit is divided into three chapters–Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced to allow all proficiency levels to have access to cultural material at the appropriate level. Each unit includes activities in all the ACTFL modes: Interpretive, Presentational, and Interpersonal. This resource will continually expand–each year additional units will be added. We will also update existing untis. Please feel free to send comments, questions, revision suggestions to either Danielle Steider,, or Rajiv Ranjan, Original content can be accessed through this link;

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